viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Halloween Contest

We're celebrating Halloween!!!!

Look at the following steps and customize your pumpkin...


Group 1: Sara, Gadea, Andrea and Eva. Click here

Group 2: Unai, Carlos and Francisco M. García. Click here

Group 3: Nerea, Lorena and DanielClick here

Group 4: Óscar, Francisco M. Amores, Egoitz, Adrián and Sergio. Click here

Group 5: Elsa, Laura and Marina. Click here

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Let's celebrate Halloween!!!

Useful resources:

-The history of Halloween: click here

-Trick or Treat??: click here

-Monsters: click here

-Animated Halloween: click here

-Why kids love to be scared: click here

-Activities: poems of witchespoems of ghostssongsriddles

-Printable games: worksheets

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

American Schools

Using your own words, explain one similarity or difference between the American and the Spanish education systems.

TASK ONE: Write down some questions that you would like to know about the American education system. Prepare and record an interview and transcribe it. Upload in your blog.CLICK HERE to have access to the PowerPoint.

TASK TWO: Choose an English-speaking country high school. Make a leaflet that could be used as an advertisment, emphasizing its most important characteristics. 

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Rules for Singular / Plural Nouns

Hello everybody!!!!

Here you have a website where you can practise the rules we learnt in class about singular and plural nouns:CLIC HERE 

I hope you enjoy it!!